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T. Kenneth Lewis K3FMK SK
Posted by n0bak on: Wednesday 02 January @ 18:58:23  |
Ken passed away on New Year's Eve around 10pm. There will be a memorial service on Saturday, January 5, Peace Church address is 2180 Glory Dr, Eagan, MN 55122. Visitation will start at 10am and the memorial service is at 11am.
Ken was active in the TCRC, serving on the board and various committees.
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Nice Working HF Station - $400
Posted by n0bak on: Wednesday 06 July @ 19:33:30  |
Twin Cities Repeater Club is selling a Kenwood TS-440SAT in working condition. It belonged to SK, John Schoeppner, KF0IB. We used it for field day it it worked beautifully. The club would like to sell it as a package, TS-440SAT, MC-85 Microphone, handheld mic, and TrippLite power supply. Any money raised from the sale will go to the Schoeppner family.
$400 or best offer.
Imaged are located on craigslist. http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/dak/ele/5670700047.html
TCRC email tcrc14721@gmail.com
Amateur Radio Building Project Day
Posted by n0bak on: Tuesday 21 October @ 21:19:04  |
October 25th 0830-1230
Bloomington Fire Station #1
10 W 95th Street Bloomington 55431
Join us to build or help build ham projects. Were trying to pair up elmer's and those who need advice, in one place, to get some projects and tasks to completion. Join us to either lend a hand or get some help with finishing what's on your bench. Contact Paul N0CRC@arrl.net if you need more information.
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TCRC Open Board Position
Posted by n0bak on: Wednesday 06 August @ 06:49:44  |
Twin Cities Repeater Club is looking for candidates to fill an open TCRC Board position. Rod Freeborg, KC9HT, has accepted the position of Club Trustee, leaving an open position.
If you would like to shape the future of the Twin Cities Repeater Club here’s you chance. if would like to be nominated, please contact TCRC President, Artie Johnson, WB0JMG, at art_johnson@frontiernet.net.
The TCRC Board of Directors will appoint a new board member at the next meeting, August 11, at Partners in Excellence, 14301 Ewing Avenue, Burnsville, MN 55306 (Ewing Avenue is the first left west of Burnsville Parkway on County 42).The meeting will be at 7:00PM. All interested members are encouraged to attend.
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Mogens Dantoft, OZ9MD, SK
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 09 April @ 10:01:41  |
Mogens Dantoft, OZ9MD, one of the founding members of the TCRC, suddenly passed away on Saturday April 6. The family is planning a visitation at the Cremation Society of Minnesota chapel in Edina on Friday, April 12 from 4-7 PM. The address is 7110 France Avenue. There is an obituary in the Wednesday Star-Tribune. As more details become available they will appear here.
Posted by w0kf on: Saturday 01 May @ 20:42:04  |
Rubin Ruen, WBØBWL, a longtime friend of amateur radio, suddenly passed away on Sunday, April 25 in the afternoon.
A memorial service is being scheduled by his family, but the time and place is not yet firm.
Rubin was the originator of Saturday Ham Talk on the 145.45 repeater and the owner/operator of the 145.21 and 444.0 repeaters.
Posted by w0kf on: Saturday 24 October @ 21:30:14  |
It is my understanding that Tony Kissenger, KDØJI, passed away on October 22. There will be a Gathering Memorial at the Cremation Society, 4343 Nicolette Avenue, on Wednesday, October 28 from 1:00 - 3:00PM.
WØBU Now Silent Key
Posted by w0kf on: Sunday 25 January @ 20:34:50  |
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing (1-23-09)of Ivan Frantz, WØBU. Ivan was one of the founders of the Twin Cities Repeater Club and served as the Trustee for our repeaters until his very recent death. His obituary is in the 1-25-09 issue of the StarTribune. http://www.legacy.com/StarTribune/Obituaries.asp?Page=LifeStory&PersonId=123290724 .
There will be a Memorial Service in his honor at 10:30AM, Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at the Roseville Memorial Chapel, 2245 N. Hamlin Avenue, Roseville, Minnesota. A visitation will be held the previous evening, Tuesday, February 10, 2009 from 5:00PM to 7:30PM also at the Roseville Memorial Chapel.
Ivan will be missed by all the members of the TCRC.Additional information in Saturday 1/31/09 issue of the StarTribune. http://www.startribune.com/obituaries/38733122.html?elr=KArks
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VE Exam Fee Increased
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 06 January @ 09:46:10  |
Effective January 1, 2009 the fee for taking VE exams has been increased from $14 to $15. This is a session fee and as many exams as desired may be taken for the single $15 fee. There are a total of 3 exams available.
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email forwarding
Posted by w0kf on: Thursday 21 February @ 11:43:56  |
The following message regarding email forwarding by the TCRC web page was recently received from Kevin Uhler, NØBEL, our technical committee chair.
I need to disable email forwarding for callsign@tcrc.org for a few days. Recently the amount of spam being recieved by these addresses has increased quite a bit. Since there is no spam checking at this time before the email is fowarded on, it makes it appear like my servers are generating spam.
Today, I'm going to turn off tcrc.org email forwarding until I can install spam filtering into the forwarding process this weekend.
After I turn it back on, there is a possibility of some legitimate emails being tagged as spam and never being forwarded.
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Silent Key
Posted by w0kf on: Thursday 13 April @ 13:55:28  |
Richard, NØALK, informs us that Jim Simchuck, KØLCO, passed away Tuesday of a massive heart attack. Our condolances to his family.
New Amateur Radio Class Announced
Posted by w0kf on: Monday 19 September @ 21:16:26  |
MNYARC (Minnesota Youth Amateur Radio Council) will sponsor a Technician level amateur radio class starting Tuesday October 11 and continuing every Tuesday for 10 weeks, from 7:00PM-9:00PM.It will be held at the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting 3515-17 Raleigh ave. St. Louis Park, MN, 55416 Web Page(with link to map) Cost will be $10.00 if you are not a member of KØBSA, plus $22.00 for a copy of Now You're Talking unless you already have a current copy. Please note that there are only 20 seats and those under 18 will have priority. For more information and to register contact: Noel Petit, WBØVGI 612-330-1061 (email)
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Len Berg, WØPKE, SK
Posted by w0kf on: Tuesday 05 October @ 11:33:48  |
For those of you that haven't yet heard...
I still hear Len on his bicycle. He will be missed.
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 4:18 PM
Subject: Len Berg
I'm Lee Berg, Len Berg's son. By now most of you have heard that my dad has passed away. I'm sending a note to those of you in his address book so you know the funeral arrangements. A 2pm Friday service(October 8th)in Redwood Falls has been planned at the Nelson/Martin funeral home. Dad had suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage Saturday October 2nd and
passed away this morning. He cherished his friendship with all of you and I'm sure you will miss him as I will.
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WAØPEP, Silent Key
Posted by w0kf on: Saturday 20 March @ 10:32:21  |
For those of you that knew WA0PEP, Old call KB0CKN:
Timothy Gary "Little Tim" Allen
Allen Timothy Gary "Little Tim" age 44 of Osseo, longtime ham radio operator and drummer. Survived by parents, Gary & Kitty; siblings, Ted, Troy, and Tanya; grandmother Evelyn Allen; and other relatives and friends. Open house Saturday, 3/20 from 1-4 PM with a memorial service at 2 PM at the Suburban North Alano Society (Osseo AA), 15486 Territorial Rd., Maple Grove. Flowers only to be delivered to Evans-Nordby Funeral Home, 34 - 2nd St. NE, Osseo. Evans-Nordby 763-424-4000
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